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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


Schramm Pneumatic Tractor

  • 06/25/2015 7:12 PM
    Message # 3404484

    I'm looking at a Schramm pneumatic tractor with a backhoe. The engine has been changed out in the last 20 years, so the numbers of the label on the engine may not help. The replacement engine was used on a stationary pneumatic setup and is of the same make and model as the old engine.

    I've tried starting the tractor, but get no spark from the Fairbanks Morse FM style magneto. The distributor and rotor are worn so new parts are in order. I was thinking of sending the magneto to a company to get it looked at and repaired. Any thoughts on who to send it to?

    Thank you for any help I can get.

    From engine label Model#2COUF Serial#90312-S

    Compressor Model#90312-S STU2COUF-1

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