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Historical Construction Equipment Association
Home of the National Construction Equipment Museum


D8H and Scraper, Cat 12 Grader, Rex Screed Machines

  • 06/20/2020 8:19 AM
    Message # 9048978
    Time to clean the yard out. Lots of road grading and paving equipment. 2 D8H Dozers, 1 cable, 1 Hydraulic. A cable scraper that works with the cable 8. 2 Cat 12 Graders.  A Small Galion Grader. Leroi tractair. 3 Rex screed machine concrete rail pavers with 2 finishing pans.  2 Heltzel road graders. An International Dual Compactor.  Extra blades for the D8's.  Lots of other Misc parts and Pcs.  Call Terry or Jake for more details or to make an offer.  262-547-4700.  Located in Southeastern Wisconsin.
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